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Ligustrum lucidum (Ligustrum, Japanese)

Ligustrum, Japanese

Privit, Japanese

Ligustrum lucidum

Japanese Ligustrum, also known as Japanese Privet and Glossy Privet, is a fast-growing evergreen tree often used as a large hedge, screen, or small ornamental tree. It thrives in Texas landscapes, particularly in urban settings, due to its tolerance for poor soils, pollution, and drought once established. This adaptable species can handle a variety of soil types, including both alkaline and acidic conditions, but it does not tolerate standing water or poorly drained soils. While its dense, glossy green foliage provides year-round coverage, it is considered invasive in some regions due to its aggressive seed dispersal and rapid spread in natural areas.

In late spring to summer, Japanese Ligustrum produces clusters of creamy white, fragrant flowers that attract pollinators, followed by dark purple-black berries in fall. However, the seeds within these berries are toxic to humans and pets if ingested. The plant is also deer-resistant, making it a reliable option for areas with browsing pressure. It prefers full sun to partial shade, with better flowering and growth occurring in sunnier locations. In landscapes, it is often used as a tall privacy hedge or a small shade tree due to its ability to grow 20 to 30 feet tall with a 15 to 25-foot spread. When planted in a row for screening, spacing should be 8 to 12 feet apart to allow for proper growth and airflow.

Japanese Ligustrum is frequently confused with Ligustrum japonicum that goes by Waxleaf Ligustrum, Wax-Leaf Privet, or Japanese Privet -- but the two have distinct differences. Waxleaf Ligustrum remains a compact shrub or small tree (8-12 feet tall), whereas Japanese Ligustrum grows into a much larger tree. Waxleaf Ligustrum also has thicker, waxy leaves that are darker green, while Japanese Ligustrum has larger, thinner, and shinier leaves with a more open growth habit. Additionally, Waxleaf Ligustrum is more commonly used for smaller hedges or foundation plantings, whereas Japanese Ligustrum is often selected for taller privacy barriers or shade trees.

In winter, Japanese Ligustrum remains evergreen in most of Texas, but in particularly harsh conditions, it may experience some leaf drop. It requires minimal winter care beyond occasional pruning to control shape and remove unwanted seedlings.

Fast Growing
Large Screen
Possibly Invasive

Flower Color:

Pale Yellow



20-30 Feet



15-25 Feet



8-12 Feet

Interesting Notes

Seeds are poisonous

USDA Hardiness Zone 7a

Available Sizes:

Item Description

Characteristics & Attributes

Deer Tolerance
Full Sun
Full Sun to Part Shade
Soil pH Preference
Water Needs
Tolerates Poor Drainage
Toxic to Pets